Swimming Pool Repair & Parts in Spring Hill, FL

Whether you’re in need of a pool clean-up service or you need quality pool repair that will hold up for years, Clark’s Pools, Inc. is the place to call. We’ve been a top pool maintenance, repair and installation service in the area for over 40 years because we truly care about the work that we do and about the people we serve.

We offer an impressive number of services so that you can come to us with any and all of your swimming pool needs, whether it’s for a simple clean-up or an extensive pool pump repair.

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Swimming Pool Repair & Parts in Spring Hill, FL

Services We Offer

We can be at your residence or business in no time to clean out your pool entirely so that you can enjoy it again. We even offer services such as water testing, so that you can keep your swimming pool looking its best and so that you can keep yourself safe while you use it. Some of the services that we have to offer include:

  • Pump and Filter Installation and Repairs
  • Heaters
  • Salt Systems
  • Pool Refinishing

Of course, our expert spa maintenance services and pool pump installation would be nothing without the highest quality pool products available. We strive to carry the best name brand products in order to provide you with enough options to enhance your backyard and maintain your swimming pool year after year.

The Best Equipment Available

We offer some of the best leak repair, filter installation and pool pump repair by carrying the best equipment available. You can be sure that we have just the thing to get your pool back into proper working order. To accomplish this, we carry the following products among others:

  • Chemicals
  • Salt Systems & Chlorinators
  • Heat Pumps
  • Pumps
  • Filters
  • Gas Heaters
  • Automation
  • Cleaners

To experience our tried and true pool services firsthand, give us a call today at 352-799-POOL or (352) 799-7665 and we’ll be happy to attend to whatever needs you may have!